Look at the Chickens Changing

Do you see that? 

The chicks are starting to get real feathers. I've been waiting for this moment because I don't like to give an animal a name but then not be able to identify it again. Once the feathers are in, I'll be able to tell the differences. Not only do they have feathers, but look at this:

See that lovely comb developing above the beak? Call me enthralled with my chickens, but I can't wait to see this hen with a comb and a wattle. These girls wouldn't let me touch them without me having to crawl in muck to get them. I do think it hurts them to be touched if they are molting. Not only are they getting their real feathers and comb, but check out the back end.

That is the cutest little tail. Beyonce would be jealous! Who says this is this the chick's awkward stage?

Okay, I take chicken names pretty seriously. My daughter asked to name two. (A small price to pay for getting her to help lock them in at night and look after their food and water.) She graced me with two names:

Bird Person - who I suspect is a rooster.

And Beth - who I can't name until I can identify her again. 

Then we have two:

I want to give them matching names, like Bert and Ernie, Chole and Zoe, or Fred and Ginger, but I don't know what they are. 

Other chicken names under consideration:

I really can't wait to see these girls (and guys?) mature. 


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