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How I Discovered I had a Compost Pile

Last Spring, I purchased mushroom compost.  It wasn't the most economical thing to do, but I wanted to start growing now.  I didn't research, and to this day, I have no idea what was in that compost. Some vegetables did fabulously, but others, not so much. Some things, like the peppers, were planted in April but didn't flower until November--right before the frost. Talk about slow growth. In 2020, my garden did not produce nearly as much as I hoped it would. All those canning jars remain empty.  When it comes to plants, it's either about the light, water, or soil. (Keeping them alive and bug-free is apparently a whole 'nother topic.)  So. . . this upcoming year, I should have more light. In the back yard, my Amish neighbors were kind enough to cut down some wild walnut trees for the wood. I am working on having six huge trees removed around the sides of my house that have shaded the majority of the property.  To help the water situation, I am giving each garden bed

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